Hey guys!!
Whew. Times have been busy around here! Sam & I got a feisty little bobtailed cat named Ripley (see here) who has been taking up our free time, and we took a nice jog into the Midwest to spend vacation time with my family for a week, which was awesome.
We are all big fans of Frank Lloyd Wright, so taking a 4 hour walking tour of Taliesin East in Wisconsin (in some of the most scenic country I've ever been in) was grrrreat! His life story is full of genius, adultery, murder, arson, graverobbing, priceless Japanese art, capes, and seemingly endless & self induced bankruptcy. He is quite the character. His architecture may not always be the most practical, but it is breathtakingly beautiful. (for any of you who don't know who Frank Lloyd Wright is, I suggest educating yourself.)
PLUS, once the end of June and July rolled around, I just got buried in an avalanche of work and have been behind on sharing it with you! Without further ado, here's some mashups of all my spots for that Invisible World project I kept promising to post (see if you can guess the invisible item each is referring to! Answers at the bottom!):
In the first mashup, clockwise from the left: Germs, the Jet Stream, Morning Breath, and a letter from the Title!
In the second mashup, clockwise from the left: DVDs, Dust Mites, Air Quality, Radio Waves, and Computer software!
I've also been doing the illustrations for Pagepath Technology's monthly newsletter--here's 4 months worth:
My style has been changing around a bit, but since Pagepath is very flexible with what they're looking for I'm using their illustrations as mini experiments. I've been tiptoeing a little more into texture land, although I won't be able to show some of my most recent explorations until September. Expect another update soon, I have some big news to share with everyone and plenty more illustrations to put up!