Some were even CUT out of their frames! With a big scary knife, I bet!

The police are stumped and I've TRIED to alert the public to this disappearing act...

...but the art could have already been passed off to a shady collector in the black market...

...OR maybe it's just sitting forgotten or unsold--stashed under someone's bed or in a dark and spooky warehouse!

I guess I'll leave the empty frames up on the wall in memorium and hope that someday the art will be found again. Only my precious cookies can console me now.
And the weirdest part is, this is ACTUALLY a true story. Minus the cookies. The Isabella Stewart Gardner museum was robbed in 1990, and the 13 pieces taken still have not been found. The estimated value of the art (which includes pieces by all the artists I listed above, and more) is placed around 500 million dollars, which makes it the largest single property theft in recorded history. Crazy, right?! These spots were all done for Boston Common magazine, which ran an article revisiting the heist. It was really interesting for me to find out about it and you might also enjoy reading the article! Kudos again to Anthony Arias, who was my great AD for this project.
I also wanted to say thanks to all the kind folks who have commented on some of my recent digital painting experiments. If any of you are interested, a lot of the brushes I'm playing with have been made from some of the free brushes Bittbox gives away. You can browse through their different offerings here. Drawn also served up a great link to these free photoshop brushes being given away by Chris Wahl-- I can't wait to try them!
Voted Greatest Blog Intro of All Time by Blog Intro Magazine.
Awesome illos Kali!!! Love the colors and comps they really set the mood!
What good is having art if you cant let anyone see it? a very fascinating personality must be in possession of them. Someone so private that they dont have a problem spending millions of dollars on something he cant show to anyone.
Yes! I live in Beantown :) one of my classmates made a super sweet full cut paper graphic novel about this heist - its like out of the 1800s, it's amazing they haven't been found with all the advancements in technology and whatnot!
Great work!
These are awesome! I love the little paintings in the first illo, especially the nude portrait :D
These colors are sweeeeeet
Love the illustrations!!
The museum is amazing and totally nutty. You should probably come to Boston to visit and see it yourself!
Again, I'll try to post! Beautiful work again, Kali! I always love your colors!
This just tickles me so much! I love everything about this post. Love it forever.
The Isabella is quite possibly my favourite museum in Boston, so if you can go there, I highly recommend it - it's quite lovely even with the empty frames. And your pieces are super-lovely - I've been hearing this story since I was little, but not with illustrations like this!
wonderful work Kali! The colour sceme fits the scene prefectly, as does the clear simplicity of the drawings and compositions. I'm sure someone out there knows who the thief is, and most of those paintings have already been passed round the black market.
You are the master of the limited palette! Also, fun topic. I love a good heist.
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