Monday, May 7, 2012

The New York Times!

Woo! I reached a milestone in my freelance career, I got a piece into the New York Times! I was in yesterday's sunday business section, and it was extra-cool because Sam got a piece in the same section, on the same day! (plus a bunch of other illustrators I admire were in the Sunday edition too. Awesome!)
Big thanks to AD Minh Uong!

The article I illustrated was about how doing volunteer work after graduation can actually lead to new jobs and opportunities. You can read it online here!





Visansaya Loisawai said...

So Awesomeeeeeeeeee
I love your colors's tone x-D

Samantha S. Gray said...

Congratulations! I've only been following your work for about a few months now, but looking through your website and blog are really inspiring. Can't wait to see what else the future of illustration has in store for you!

Aaron Becker said...

congratulations, Kali! Looks great - a milestone indeed!